The Town of Collierville is exceeding the service expectations of both public officials and residents through the use of new advances in technology. Collierville’s GIS staff has worked in conjunction with the Town’s Public Services Department to create new storm water management processes and to implement a multi-functional GIS platform used for monitoring and managing the Town’s storm water drainage system. This multi-functional GIS platform has allowed Public Services staff to collect the locations of drainage structures on tablets in the field, update the condition and status of existing structures, and allowed managers to review the inspection information and make any required changes.
Collierville’s Public Services staff is responsible for managing and monitoring the Town’s storm water drainage system. Previous inspections of the drainage system included notating information in logbooks and taking digital pictures. Once completed, staff would return to the office to compile the notations and pictures into the GIS using a desktop computer. Using ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Online, Collierville GIS staff created a geodatabase to store the inspection data, published that data to ArcGIS Online, and provided ArcGIS Online access and editing privileges to Public Services staff. Inspection crews now log in to ArcGIS Online and use a tablet to enter inspection information and pictures directly into the GIS using Collector for ArcGIS. Additionally, managers are able to use Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS to track data collection progress and review inspection information.

• ArcGIS for Desktop
• ArcGIS Online
• Collector for ArcGIS
• Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Development Team Biography
• Kevin Bingham, GIS Manager: Kevin is responsible for overseeing and leading the GIS efforts of the Town of Collierville. He has been Collierville’s GIS Manager for five years.
• Clay Ticer, Assistant Manager, Streets and Drainage Division (Public Services): Clay is responsible for assisting the Division Manager in the daily operations of the asphalt, concrete, and drainage crews.
• John Fox, Operations Assistant (Public Services): John provides coordination and oversight for the daily operations of the Public Works and Public Utilities Division, as well as providing technical assistance and oversight for the Fleet Service Division, Streets and Drainage Division, Solid Waste Collection Division, Water Treatment Division, Water Distribution Division, Waste Water Collection Division, and Wastewater Treatment Division
• Brant Sollis, GIS Technician
• Keith Reasons, GIS Technician (former employee)