At True North Geographic Technologies we understand the value and importance of utilizing geospatial/mapping technology for public safety. Most emergency operations benefit from geospatial intelligence. Public safety agencies use location-based technology for data driven decisions, predictive capabilities and improved communication. True North utilizes the Esri GIS enterprise platform to break through barriers and create collaborative organizations that make the most of location data. Give your staff the geospatial technology they need to improve operations. At the same time, provide citizens access to the online maps and the open data that affects their safety.
ABOUT i3 NG9-1-1
With i3 becoming a more dependable and technically feasible implementation, and the GIS data provisioning the system needing to be robust and accurate, many E9-1-1 districts are looking for a compatible solution that compliments the chosen core services provider that focuses specifically on GIS data integrity and timeliness. What sets True North Geographic Technologies apart from others is the agile customization of our code base and reporting to suit the inevitable changing workflows and sometimes staggered architecture add-ons.
True North utilizes Esri out-of-the-box technology, which provides our customers proven productivity and faster integration of new functionality without the overhead. As a proven innovator in the NG9-1-1 industry, True North regularly participates in the development of NENA standards and informational documentation. This helps to ensure that your deployment will be in line with current and future national standards.
gis training,
gis 911,
gis for safety.

Aggregation from disparate sources to a consistent schema.
•NENA-STA-006.1-2018 and NENA-STA-010.2-2016 referencing
•NENA-STA-004.1-2014 as a base
•Optional user defined fields
Quality controls include but are not limited to:
•Prevent above percentage-threshold deltas
•Attribution and topology error reports
•Hosted error reviewer for individual PSAP or editing authority
•Automatically updated admin Operations Dashboard
Situs address managed LIS integrates ground truth to validation
(where available).
Optional integration-specific training curriculum
(in-person and on-demand).
•Data model familiarization
•How GIS edits affect NGCS
•Best practices
•Emerging technologies
Optional 3D building generation with NENA GIS Data Model attribution.
True North provides aggregation, quality control and reporting for all 100 Emergency Communications Districts (ECDs) in a redundant, secure, cloud-hosted architecture. This is integral for provisioning accurate and timely GIS data into elements of the Next Generation Core Services for the State. On the client-side, an in-house upload program was developed, distributed and is actively supported for all ECDs, which optionally includes customized Python staging-area scripting. On the server-side, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Data Interoperability, and ArcGIS Data Reviewer are used in conjunction with a custom Python code base to consume the uploaded data and report errors for both attribution and topology. Statistical tables and features are pushed to ArcGIS Online nightly and used in an Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS for an administrative view by 9-1-1 Board staff, and ArcGIS StoryMaps for local PSAPs to view spatial reports.
True North is also the current custodian of the GIS Data Standards for NG9-1-1 document. Additional GIS support is provided at all levels, from local editors questioning spatial adjustments or applying elements of the schema standard, to an advisory role for GIS issues at the State level. A training curriculum has been developed, and True North staff regularly conduct in-person training classes, as well as virtual courses and training video production. These auxiliary efforts are important to a central understanding of the NG9-1-1 implementation for all constituents in the state of Tennessee.

ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS StoryMaps
ArcGIS Interoperability
ArcGIS Data Reviewer
ArcGIS Online
True North supports local public safety efforts by providing enterprise relational database management services and application development. An ArcGIS Enterprise dispatch mapping application is accessible at each of the PSAPs that utilizes published map and feature services which are automatically updated by multiple city and county GIS editors in a versioned geodatabase. Data layers are hosted in Portal for ArcGIS. Database replicas and ETL scripting provide support for the local 9-1-1 office updates; the Sheriff’s department CAD, mobile and routing applications; as well as required exports for the statewide NG9-1-1 project. Operationally specific, rapidly developed custom applications from damage assessment (Good Friday tornado of 2009) to C3 exercise and strategic planning (2017 League of the South rally) highlight a firm grasp of current technology and trends, and are examples of award-winning expertise.