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Good Friday Tornado 2009
Overview of ArcGIS Server Flex applications built to assist in damage assessment and visualization after an EF-4 tornado in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Data collection prep
GIS manager & techs at the courthouse
GIS public safety tech at EDC
Editing via remote desktop to courthouse​​
ArcSDE database for multi-editor feature classes
ArcGIS Server/Image Server
Able to construct map services & reuse for multiple applications​
Able to use existing map services from other agencies
Able to quickly turn around new imagery & incorporate into web application
Flex Viewer
Quick , Easy access to essential data​
Provided EMA staff with up-to-the-minute progress info on damage estimates
Flex API
Stood up public facing web site within a week of event​
Powerful visualization tools
These images are of the damage assessment data mapped by True North Geographic Technologies.
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