Memphis faced challenges managing workload efficiently with inability to visually locate service request tickets, the work done or be able to tie work to assets or other infrastructure data. The Enterprise GIS leveraged ArcGIS Online to develop an end-to-end solution which provides everyone with the ability to view all ticket locations, assign work, edit statuses, create reports resulting in significant decrease in time for problem resolutions. This initiative provides work order management solutions across multiple departments of the city encompassing solid waste, drain maintenance, sanitary sewer, code enforcement, traffic signs and facilities maintenance. It also leverages real-time bi-directional integration with the city's 311 system Oracle CRM. Top level management to work crews on the ground are able to assess the situation pertaining to any service request or work being done by whom, where and when, thereby enabling efficiency and making critical real-time decisions.
The city was not able to access in real-time the data from the 311 system for service ticket management. Those divisions that needed to respond to service tickets included all of Public Works, Engineering and Facilities maintenance. We created a user interface that accessed the Oracle CRM System (our 311 system) via in-house developed series of web services in real-time for all individuals involved from the Division Director, supervisors and field crews. Our solution is also bi-directional in that work and status updates done in the field pushed in real-time back into the Oracle CRM system. Previously the department was not able to get any timely updates or metrics on performance. Now that is also in real-time so that managers can make data-driven decisions.
We used a suite of Esri ArcGIS Online technology including an ArcGIS web map, Collector for ArcGIS, Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS and Workforce for ArcGIS. We also used in-house developed solutions such as Python scripts and web services. We also utilized our internal ArcGIS server technology.
Development Team Biography
The project team includes:
Della Adams, GIS Program Manager
Jeffery Jackson, Lead GIS Analyst
Vijay Ganti, Lead Applications Developer
Raghuram Dintakurthi, System Administrator and DBA
Ed Hankins, GIS Analyst
Steven Singer, GIS Analyst